JEE-Setup Java EE Environment

Software List

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) 7u80

  2. Eclipse for Java EE Developers (Mars Release)

  3. IBM Liberty Profile for Eclipse

  4. IBM Liberty Profile Runtime

  5. Spring Framework distribution 4.2.0 & supporting libraries
    Note: The software described above have been downloaded and stored on the shared drive.

    Software Installation & Configuration

  6. The JDK installation is self explanatory. Make sure that you install the version 7, update 80 or above. Also ensure that you setup JAVA_HOME variable, which points to the installation directory, and include the bin directory in the PATH variable. Test by typing java –version in the command window.

  7. The eclipse for Java EE developers (Mars release) is also self explanatory.

  8. IBM Liberty profile for Eclipse: Download “update site” zip file from Expand it, then do this in eclipse:

Help --> Instal New Software --> Add button (add a site) --> Local --> Navigate to directory (downloaded file)        --> Select All --> Next
  1. Download liberty profile runtime from:
  2. Get Spring framework jars from: from

Development Environment Setup

  1. Create c:\workspace\devtools
  2. Save all the software there.
  3. Make c:\workspace as workspace for eclipse for easy sharing of your work